How to play Valentines Cryptogram puzzles:
Each of these Cryptograms is a message in substitution code. THE SILLY DOG might become UJD WQPPZ BVN if U is subsituted for T, J for H, D for E, etc. One way to break the code is to look for repeated letters. E, T, A, O, N, R and I are the most often used letters. A single letter is usually A or I; OF, IS and IT are common 2-letter words; try THE or AND for a 3-letter group. The code is different for each Cryptogram.
Answer key is on page 2 of the PDF files. Click thumbnails for
enlarged view of each puzzle.
Prints on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
Valentines Cryptogram Puzzle #1
Valentines Cryptogram Puzzle #2
Valentines Cryptogram Puzzle #3
Valentines Cryptogram Puzzle #4